Dengfeng Hongyuan Electric Heating Element Co., Ltd. mainly engages in the processing and sales of electric heating elements




Factory Address: Houshihang Village, Daye Town, Dengfeng City, Henan Province

Company Address: Room 501, Building B, Zhonghe Business Plaza, Dengfeng City, Henan Province

Business Director: Robe Wu

Mobile: +86 19521493131

What's app: 19521493131


Non-metallic electric heating tube φ 20U type silicon carbide rod export packaging

Source: Release time:2023-10-25


Dengfeng Hongyuan Electric Heating Element Co., Ltd

U-shaped silicon carbon rod non-metallic electric heating tubes, some in stock, experimental furnace U-shaped rods, industrial furnace U-shaped rods, welcome to consult and customize, complete specifications, quality products, and fast delivery.

The silicon carbon rod electric heating element has a firing temperature of up to 2200 ℃, which endows it with good heat resistance and oxidation resistance. Select the corresponding silicon carbon rod components according to the furnace, and the resistance values must not differ too much, around 0.1 is suitable. The power supply equipment should be equipped with devices that have a large range of voltage regulation and can continuously and stably regulate voltage (such as magnetic voltage regulators, thyristor DC voltage regulators, etc.). If a stepwise voltage regulating transformer is selected, a transformer with a small voltage difference and a large number of voltage regulating stages should also be selected. In order to extend the service life of silicon carbide rod components and ensure that there is no danger in use, it is necessary to avoid using multiple series connections. The wiring method of silicon carbon rod components can adopt parallel, series, angular, star, and other forms of wiring; However, parallel connection is superior to series connection, as it can adjust the factors of load imbalance, while multi branch series connection exacerbates the factors of imbalance and increases the working voltage.





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